New Furnace for Ak Beshim Orphanage
We want to thank all our contributors over the past year who helped us to raise enough money to replace one of Ak Beshim Orphanage’s broken furnaces. The installation is now complete. Winters in Kyrgyzstan reach below freezing temperatures for several months each year, so having sufficient and reliable heat is crucial. There are approximately 200 children who live in this orphanage. We recently contacted Ak-Beshim, and learned that the new furnace is working well and the orphanage is very pleased with it.
- New furnace being installed at Ak-Beshim orphanage.
- New furnace being installed.
- Completed furnace with plaque naming KCF.
- Plaque on the new furnace at Ak-Beshim orphanage.
Project to Empower the Blind
KCF purchased and installed 2 notebook computers and a heating / air conditioner unit for the training room located in the Kyrgyz Association of the Blind and Deaf. As more teachers of the blind are trained in computer skills, they will then be able to teach more blind children in Kyrgyzstan. This organization is closely connected with the Association of Parents of Blind Children, which works with children from birth to 11 years.
In the Fall of 2015, KCF also purchased and delivered 10 canes for blind persons, and delivered a box of donated Braille books for children.
- The new heating/ air conditioner.
- Heating / air conditioner after installation
- Blind students using new laptops.
- The students thanking Kyrgyz Children’s Future.
Books for Homeless Children
On January 23, 2015, KCF delivered textbooks to the Rehabilitation Center for Homeless Children in Bishkek. The Center has children from ages 2 to about 16. These children attend the local schools, but the schools will not permit the children to take the school books with them, fearing they will lose them. KCF has purchased several copies of text books for children in the 1st through 4th grades so that they will be able to study. We would like to start a small library for the homeless children at the Center.